Disclaimer, Transfer & Cancelation and Privacy Policy
Pregnancy Yoga with Peace At Last Yoga
I have been given the all clear to take part in activity by my GP/Health Visitor
This class is only suitable from the 2nd trimester (14 weeks pregnant)
Do not practice antenatal yoga if you have any of the following absolute contraindications:
● Ruptured membranes/premature labour
● Persistent second or third trimester bleeding/ placenta previa
● Pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia
● Incompetent cervix
● Evidence of intrauterine growth restriction
● High order pregnancy (e.g. twins or triplets or more)
● Uncontrolled Type 1 diabetes, hypertension or thyroid disease, other serious cardiovascular respiratory or systemic disorder
Please ask your midwife or GP before practicing if you have any of the following conditions:
● History of spontaneous abortion or premature labour in previous pregnancies
● Mild/moderate cardiovascular or respiratory disease (e.g. chronic hypertension, asthma)
● Anemia or Iron deficiency (Hb < 100 g/L)
● Malnutrition or eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia)
● Please let us know if you have any other significant medical health condition.
Please stop practicing if at any point you feel:
● Excessive shortness of breath
● Chest pain
● Painful uterine contractions
● Vaginal bleeding
● Any gush of fluid from vagina
● Dizziness or faintness.
Avoid exercise in warm/humid environments
Avoid isometric exercise or straining while holding your breath
Maintain adequate nutrition and hydration - drink liquids before and after exercise
Avoid lying on your back past the 4th month of pregnancy
Know your limits - pregnancy is not a good time to train for athletic competition
Know the reasons to stop exercise and consult a qualified health care provider if they occur.
Health & Safety
Participants agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the class, instructions and health and safety information given by the instructor
Participation shall be undertaken at the participants own risk and the instructor shall not be liable to the participant for any claims of injury, damage or causes of action to person or property arising out of or connected with participation in the classes
Participants understand that all of the steps and movements are designed so they are simple to follow and carry out; but that you are still able to work at your own pace and takes regular breaks where needed. So please stop If you feel dizzy, unwell or too hot
I confirm that I am responsible for the health & safety of myself and my baby during the class and whilst on the premises
Please notify your instructor of any injuries or health issues that may affect you during class when you arrive
Please stay hydrated throughout the class.
Please contact us ahead of booking should you want to bring along another child or guest
Transfer and cancellation policy
PLEASE READ as we are unable to transfer for you.
All classes are non-refundable however you can transfer your class once to another available date 24 hours before the start of the class.
You can transfer each class once within a 12-week period To transfer (This MUST be 24 hours before the start of the class) N.B We have this policy to make it fair for everyone. So please respect our policy and refrain from asking after the 24 hours.
Click on the Green "View Booking" at the top of this email
Go to the chosen date you wish to transfer
Click 'Ticket Options'
Click 'Change Ticket'
For the same venue keep the top box as it is. For a different Venue select the top box as a drop down.
Select "New ticket date/time" and choose the date you would like
Press save
Privacy Policy
Dance Like a Mother CIC will not forward your details onto third parties. You will however be contacted by the instructor via text or email to receive details important to your booking and updates. If at any point you no longer want to receive these, please email us via the email below. Emails for bookings and class details will be sent from Hello@dancelikeamother.com. Please check junk mail or these. All attendee details are stored electronically via the booking site Bookwhen.com. No details will be printed off or shared by the instructors.
Email: Hello@dancelikeamother.com.