Is my carrier suitable for class?
At Dance Like a Mother its really important to us that your baby is safe and that you both feel comfortable during class. A good carrier will fit baby well, providing good hip and spine support and will feel light and comfortable for you. If your carrier is hurting your back, it could be the type of carrier it is, and the fit. We can help you with this in class and will check over your carrier when you first come. We also offer 121 sessions and workshops.
We have a wide selection of good quality carriers in class that we can fit you in, show you how to wear safe and comfortably yourself and you can use in our class at no extra cost.
A good carrier doesn’t have to cost the earth, with most coming in between £70 and £120 new. There are also great places to buy second hand that we can recommend, so you can pick them up for as little as £30. We also have carriers available for long term loan, for free for those on funded spaces.
We always advise coming and trying a carrier in class and getting advise before buying or contacting us for a 121. To find out about finding the best carrier for you see our blog here: Carriers are like jeans
carriers not suitable for classes
Narrow based carriers (see below)
Stretchy Wraps or Close caboo style - These are great for tiny babies, however we find they dont always offer enough support for class and can sag if not worn high or tight enough. We have lovely soft buckle carriers you can use in class (See how to fit a stretchy wrap here: Fitting a stretchy wrap)
Lower quality brands that can be found selling on the high street
what do we mean by narrow based?
A narrow based carrier is one where your babies legs will dangle down straight *see image below (unless they are a newborn, in which case they will be tucked up naturally in that newborn position). However as baby grows, the carrier will be be only providing support on their hips and goin (Groin dangling!) This isnt the most comfortable position and can also affect your back and the weight is pulled forward, rather than being evenly distributed across baby’s pelvis & legs (See more info & options below)
Most common brands of narrow based carriers are:
Baby Bjorn - Mini
Mamas & Papas
These are ones sold mostly on the high street.
To find out more about narrow based carriers, head to our blog here: Narrow based carriers the reality
other types of carrier we don’t use in class
There are also some other brands that although seem to offer better support for the hips and spine, can be flimsy and uncomfortable. They also won’t last you as long as some better brands.
Most common ones are:
Red Kite
Carriers with a hip seat such as; Bellababy
Please get in touch if you are unsure If your carrier is suitable. You can find your Instructors email and number on your confirmation email. However your instructor will contact you via text ahead of your first class, so you can always let them know then.
why we don’t use them at dance like a mother
There are serval reasons we ask you not to use these carriers in class (and provide and fit you with one of ours instead)
Hips & Spine
The best way to describe this is its a bit like being sat in a parachute harness. The weight of babies body is mostly felt on their hips and groin. Day to day this is fine, and we would always encourage and support Parents to wear their babies safely, no matter what carrier they have. As long as it’s safe. However for our class, as we are dancing and moving, we feel its most comfortable for you both to be in a carrier that supports baby’s spine, hips and weight for the class. Also with older babies (with longer legs), you can kick their legs whilst moving. It’s encouraged to allow babies legs to sit in what we call an “M Position”. This is a natural squat position for babies, where their knees are slight higher than their bottom. This promotes a healthy hip and spine position.
Neck Support
As the legs dangle down, this prevents baby’s pelvis from being tucked under. This means that essentially babies body leans back and these types of carriers tend to gape around the neck and head. Which in turn means there isn’t enough support. Our classes are gentle movement; however it’s always best to have the nape of babies neck supported whilst moving.
Comfort…for you both
Sometimes it’s hard to get baby close to your body. In fact on certain body shapes, it’s sometimes impossible to get the carrier safely tight enough.
Baby’s need to be close enough to you, that they don’t move when you hug them (but you can slide the palm of your hand between you both). This means their back is fully supported and stops them slumping down (which can be a suffocation risk)
So without the carrier being tight and supporting babies full weight, they you will also feel uncomfortable. Mostly its felt on the shoulders.
Narrow based carrier V’s Wide based ergonomic carrier wi
so what are your options?
In Classes
All our Instructors are trained in Babywearing and will advise you on the best carrier for you and your baby. We have lots of options and will help you get the carrier fitted safe and comfy. We have had lots of experience in supporting Parents & babies in new carriers and are always here to help.
We also have discounts on several carrier brands (Just ask your Instructor) and all these carriers will last you a long time and are very well priced.
Day to Day
If you would like to find the best carrier for you we would recommend looking for a good, friendly Sling Library in our area. Here you can get advise and loan carriers, slings, wraps for a low price. Some also offer free stretchy wrap hire for newborns. Please feel free to get in touch and we would be happy to send you details.
Other things to concider
If your baby has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, then a narrow based carrier won’t be suitable. However we have seen babies with this, who have been worn in wider based carriers and it has provide good support and even improvement. We would always recommend getting advice from your GP (If your GP has no experience feel free to take the article below with you to your appointment) and we are here as Babywearing Consultants to offer advice too (just drop us an email). Here is a great article on the benefits of babywearing with hip dysplasia: Baby Wearing - International Hip Dysplasia Institute
M shape hack
If you want to carry on using your narrow based carrier day to day, but would like to create the M position please see the video tutorial below. Also please get in touch with your Instructor or drop us an email and we are happy to help.
Good Positioning for babies from Newborn to toddler
our training & experience
We take you and your babies safety and comfort very seriously and will always endeavor to do our best to advise and support you. We also seek out regular guidance and keep updated with safe babywearing practices.
Nikki (Our Founder & Director) is also a Babywearing Consultant and has trained with SlingaBaby who are a leading world renowned facilitator in babywearing training.
We have all also carried our own babies and are passionate about the positive benefits of babywearing.
If you would like any help please contact your Instructor or drop us an email via the ‘Contact Us’ tab below.
More info on safe babywearing can be found here
Dr.Rosie Knowles - Carrying Matters & Born to Carry Carrying Matters - Connection Matters - Babywearing Safety - Guide to Slings - Sling Education
SlingaBaby - Slingababy Training School Carrying the Gift of Love