My first babywearing dance class - by Shelly


by Shelly

Can you spot me in the photo above? This was the beginning of July 2016 I'd heard marvelous things about this babywearing dance class held locally to me from a mum on by baby massage course

Nervously I attended my first babywearing dance class class not really knowing what to expect I was greeted by Nikki whose encouraging words and massive smile immediately put me at ease...

New to babywearing (apart from a really ill fitting cheap carrier) I felt well out of my depth wondering if my baby (Sinead) would be ok? What if she needs feeding? What if the carrier is uncomfortable? How will I know she's ok?

I listened to the wise words at the start of class, eventually I relaxed and by the end I actually felt overwhelmed with emotion as it had been a full hour of fun, dancing (which I love), sleepy snuggles interaction with like minded mums with no talk of baby poo or sleep patterns! I left class feeling a bit uplifted and dazed at the awesomeness that is DLAM.

The rest they say is history… After becoming a massive member of the DLAM Fam, performances, flashmobs, summer socials Nikki asked me totally out of the blue "would you ever consider coming on board as an instructor?"

Four years later here I am, not only an instructor for DLAM but Dance Fit too and a Director.

Helping to run grow develop this business we’re all so passionate and proud to be associated with I have the dream job working with the strongest passionate people I've known, bringing communities together, seeing friendships grow, supporting parents on this roller-coaster they call parenthood, being honest and open about the shitty times, highlighting mental health and making every single person feel at ease inclusive and uplifted, just like me after that very first class

I have the dream job working with the strongest, most passionate people I know and I am truly blessed to call them my friends.

We’re not all super-confident, babywearing experts when we join the DLAM fam - but rest assured the team is here to support you with a friendly face, babywearing help and advice, and some joyful dancing. We’d love you to come along to a class - either virtually or in person (as soon as we can do it face-to-face again).

What’s stopping you?


Dec 2020 Tier 3 Update - We Really Need Your Help


Face-to-face classes – Tier 3 update