Baby Carriers Are Like Jeans - How to find the right carrier or sling for you


Finding the right baby carrier or sling for you

Carriers are like jeans. Bear with me…I’ve not totally lost the plot!

Whether female, male, size 8 or size 18, you will know that finding the right pair of jeans to fit your style, shape and size can be tricky. I’ll get to the carriers soon… just let me talk about jeans a little longer. 

Check out most high-street stores at the moment and you will find every style from boyfriend, mum, skinny to boot cut (oh the boot cut. Hello again 1994!). Now there are so many options to choose; it's endless and a bit overwhelming. Also does anyone else miss their maternity jeans? Oh for that stretchy waistband.

There is also sizing to consider. For example, as a short arse at 5Ft 3, going to most shops for jeans means one hell of a roll up, I know which shops to now avoid! And what's with the sizes? I can go from 10 to a 14 depending on the shop. 

One Size Doesn't Fit All 

So now I'm getting to carriers and slings (thanks for bearing with me). One thing we see often (and I have personally experienced) is hand-me-downs. So we’re all for reusing here at Dance Like a Mother... but imagine I lent my jeans to my friend who was 5Ft 8 and a size 8. Might have a problem there. Can you see where I’m going? 

The most common complaint we see is that the carrier is uncomfortable; either for you or baby, or both. Your back hurts, baby seems unhappy. Finding the right style, shape and size is, yes you guessed it, like buying jeans! So when you hear your mum mate say “Oh I have this carrier. I love it!”; take a breather before you get your credit card out and consider If it might be right for you. 

Also like jeans, you want it to last. And it's not always about spending the most money. But trust us, you might think your babywearing journey will just be for 6 months (“you will make a rod for your own back”, “Ooh you must be strong” Thanks for the unsolicited advice!) but once you get the right carrier you and your little one might just want to carry on carrying for longer. (P.S I carried Ellie until she was 4 and I miss every moment of it)

People seem shocked when I told them we carried Ellie for that long. But how many times have you been out on a walk and their little legs just want a rest or you're out in town, it's busy, lots of traffic and they just want to feel safe? Plus, don’t get me started on stairs and airports... bloody godsend!

Back safe & high, in knee to knee position. (Carrier Tula Baby Free to Grow)

So many options 

Even since starting to teach Babywearing Dance in 2016, I have seen so many new carriers come onto the market. This is great news, because there are options for budget, size and baby's age now. But trying before you buy is a must.

If you are attending Dance Like a Mother classes or plan to in the future, we have lots of carriers available to use in class and our Peer Support/Consultant Trained Instructors will help fit you safe and comfy. Were always happy for you to try different ones and advise you. Were happy for you to pop and meet us before a class (If your baby is too little too attend yet) and show you some good options for you.

We also offer 121’s in your own home to help you find the right carrier for you and teach you how to fit safe and comfy. We also have video tutorials too…basically we are here to help! Just get in touch here: Contact Us — Dance Like a Mother

What’s available & how will you know (that the carrier really fits you) 

Okay firstly what to look for in a carrier, for comfort and long lasting…

  • Ergonomic Carrier - All this means is that the carrier allows for the baby to be in a position that supports their spine, hips & neck. For this the carrier should fit knee to knee (see image below) so the weight is evenly spread for hips & spine. Narrow based carriers (where babies legs dangle down straight) aren’t going to damage your baby. However it's a bit like the difference between being in a parachute harness or a hammock. Knees should be higher than hips and back supported. You can see our blog about narrow based carriers and why we don’t use them in class here: Narrow Based carriers...the reality — Dance Like a Mother

  • Neck supported - The carrier should come to the nape of baby’s neck. This way the neck is supported, and you can see baby by just glancing down. If they are underneath the carrier (E.G its coming over their head) it’s too big or not a supportive carrier. Plus, for open airways you need to be able to see their face, by just glancing down.

  • Right for your build - The carrier should feel light weight with baby in. Bulkier carriers tend to be better for taller parents, or those with all the curves in right places. If you are shorter or petite then lighter carriers fit better, so you can tighten fully, and they don’t feel bulky on you. See carriers we recommend below.

Integra great for petite parents

Integra carrier great for petite parents

  • Fit - The carrier should be high (with the baby's head on the hard part of your chest). Be comfortable on your waist and supportive of your back. The carrier should fit the baby and be fully supporting their body. 

  • Size - A good gauge if the carrier fits your baby, is that it fits knee to knee. Too wide and it will be too big for baby. Too narrow and it's too small. Good carriers will see you from birth to at least 18 months and be able to go wider as baby grows. 

  • Back Carry - Here at DLAM we love the option of a back carry when baby starts to sit unaided. It's a much more supportive and longer lasting option that forward facing and supports both your body and babies better. Check that the carrier can be used for a back carry if you plan to wear your baby past 6 months. I run Back Carry Workshops to teach you with weighted dolls how to get your baby up and down safely. Just get in touch for the next dates. Contact Us — Dance Like a Mother

Integra worn in a back carry with Nikki and Stu

Integra worn in a back carry with Nikki and Elie (aged 4)

Carriers we recommend 

Over the years we have come across many types of carriers and wraps and we would always recommend to try before you buy. But here is a list of the carriers that we have used in classes and are worth checking out. 

Stretchy wraps

A stretchy wrap is great for newborns. They are soft and supportive and mold well to a newborn’s body. Be aware to get them high and nice and supportive (you shouldn't need to hold baby). Usually, they will last for a good few months. You will start to feel like you need something more supportive as baby grows. They are fantastic for newborns and I get that they look bloody complicated to do, but once you get the hang of it, they are worth it. Also you can keep the wrap on and pop baby in and out as needed. To see my tutorial and hack for good neck support in a stretchy click here: Stretchy Wrap Tutorial

Price - £20 - £60

There are lots of good options out there. But were a sucka for a good print! If you are check out Freerider slings

Stretchy wrap with a newborn baby


I’ve been using Sarah’s carriers since day one of wearing Ellie and teaching classes. It was literally our first carrier and last carrier (Size 1 - 3) They are the ones we probably use the most as they are very lightweight (fold up nice & small too!), fit most body shapes and can be adjusted for babies from 7lbs to 53lbs.

Integra’s also come in 3 different sizes. Size 1 we used from birth to about 18 months, Size 2 from 18 months to around 3 and size 3 for preschool age (see me - Nikki - above dancing with Ellie & her Dad in our size 3 last year at Manchester Day... as you can see she’s happy and fast asleep!). 

These are great for petite frames and also supportive for back carries. We also like the little hood, which in class we roll up to provide extra neck support. 

They also have fabulous fabrics including a lightweight one for summer, new linen (colors are fab!) and regular collaborations with wrap companies such as Ali Dover, Firespiral and also Liberty London prints. 

Price: £70 - £120

They hold their value very well and you can often sell on second hand for £40 to £60 depending on condition and print. 

Tip: Keep hold of the accessory strap that comes with it. You will need this to adjust for knee to knee and for back carries. 

For a 10% Discount go to Integra Baby | Carry your baby in comfort and style and use the code [dancelikeamother]

Purple unicorn/mermaid patterned Integra

Purple unicorn/mermaid patterned Integra

Sleepy Nico 

These carriers are probably the softest carriers around. These carriers are soft, but structured and beautiful. Suitable from around 4 months (a great option from a stretchy) they are very versatile and can be worn both as a cross strap and a rucksack style. They are incredibly comfortable for back carries too. These are a great option if you want the support of a bulkier carrier, without a firm waistband. We have found these wonderful for those gorgeous ladies with curves and to wear while pregnant. They come in 2 sizes for babies and for toddlers.

Price: £60 - £93

For a 10% discount go to SleepyNico - Baby carriers with character and use the code [DLAM]

Rainbow Sleepy Nico

Rainbow Sleepy Nico



We were introduced to Mamaruga a few years ago. They are such versatile carriers with the softest material ever. With nifty straps to lengthen and widen, they fit tiny newborns up to chunky toddlers. They also come in fab patterns & colors and are perfect for lots of support, but with snug fit and comfort. These are a great option for when your stretchy isnt working anymore.

Price: £89 - £120

To find out more go to Mamaruga - Creative Babywearing | the best in creative baby slings and carriers

Blue and white Mamaruga class

Blue and white Mamaruga in Dance Like a Mother class


Tula have a few carrier options, but the most versatile we have found is the ‘Free to grow’ model. They work from newborn to around 2 years, as they extend out and up to fit your baby as they grow. They are fab for curvy girls and those who are taller. Although at 5ft 3 I find this very comfortable and much less bulky that similar carriers on the market. Dad’s also like these as the waistband is a bit more structured and sits better on the hips (the boys just don’t have the curves!). They also have stunning patterns and colors to choose from.

These are the most expensive we recommend, however you can pick these up at a good price second hand on vinted or marketplace for around £50-£60.

Price: £119.90 (Second hand £50 - £70)

To find out more go to: Tula Free to Grow Carrier

Tula Free to grow

To find out more about babywearing, plus our top tips and videos go to: Babywearing Tips & Safety — Dance Like a Mother

Or feel free to drop us a message via Email , or on Instagram or Facebook

Happy babywearing!

Nikki xx


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