World Book Day - Top 5 Books for Mums

World Book Day - Top 5 Books for Mums

Its world book day and lets be honest who has time to read when you have a baby?! Thankfully all of these are available in audio format, so grab your carrier, pushchair, coffee (oh and don’t forget the baby!) and have a stroll and a listen! Or dump that Netflix feeding time habit and pop your ear phones in while you feed at night.

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

  1. UNTAMED by Glennon Doyle

I have genuinely never read another book like this. If I could afford to buy this book for every women I know I totally would! This memoir is so easy to read (with short chapters and so well written) but also so inspiring and full of heart. I love her vulnerability in that she’s still trying to figure it all out (aren’t we all!), but also had so many pearls of wisdom and ah ha moments. Be warned though, you will make changes to your life after reading this! For the better! Buy it for yourself and then make it top of the gift list for all the women in your life.

BURNOUT by Emily & Amelia Nagoski

2. BURNOUT by Emily & Amelia Nagoski

My copy is so tatty now from lending this book out to so many female friends. But for any women; but especially Mums this book is a life saver. So funny, wise and so often I found myself saying “That's me!”. Its self-help without being overly complicated or feeling like you are being patronized. If you are feeling burnt out this is a must. Oh and do you know the best way to complete the stress cycle? Movement…and to music even better! (Its like we already knew it!)



Okay…so firstly its written by a Man and there were parts that I found a little alpha male. However; this book came into my life when I had been seriously fucked over and hurt by some people I totally shouldn't have put my trust in. I was so hurt and broken and this book helped me so much. As women we are taught to people please, to be “good girls” and to care greatly of what others think of us. Even to the detriment of our mental & physical wellbeing. There was so much I got from this book that felt practical and honest. It helped me to see what was really important, who’s option really mattered and where to put my energy. The rest can go in the fuck it bucket! If you want to live more without self sabotage, self criticism and just feel more at ease with who you are, then this is for you.

DO LESS by Kate Northrup

4. DO LESS by Kate Northrup

Going back to work or running your own business while having a baby/kids? Then this is for you. I have always had a driver to do more, fill every hour of the day and god do I procrastinate (Lets organize every cupboard in the kitchen when I should be doing the tax return!) . So if you feel like you are over worked, overwhelmed, tired or just lost in how much there is to do then you need this in your life! In lockdown I also brought some of these tools to the DLAM team to help us prioritize and ensure we were taking care of ourselves. She also discussed living within our menstrual cycle (“Mother nature never rushes, but still everything gets don”), which has been great for ensuring I have energy throughout the month and prioritizing when I do certain things. I found it hard to stick to everything she suggested, but I go back to this book again and again when I’m feeling overwhelmed and it always helps.

5. the gifts of imperfection by brene brown

Okay so firstly Brene is my Queen, She has a knack of writing a book or bringing out a podcast episode on a topic just when I need it most. She has written many books, but this is a good starting point. Its hard to put into a few paragraphs what this book has given me. As someone who grew up in a dysfunctional family (Hey it was the 80’s…who didn’t?!) its helped me to find out more about myself, how I see the world and how to have more boundaries, compassion and love for myself. If there’s something you are struggling with, the it’s likely she will bring it up in here. She has a way of bringing science and heart together, so you feel less alone with your anxieties and have the ability to see clearer. Id also recommend her podcast Untamed which can be found on Spotify. She has a southern drawl, a dirty laugh and a potty mouth too. Always worth a listen

So thats my round up of my top 5 books. Id love to know If you have read any of them, what you thought and If you have any books you would recommend. Drop a comment below. Also feel free to share with others and get these books on your gift list!

Happy reading (or listening),

Nikki xx


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