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A BOOBS introduction to breastfeeding

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Come and Join BOOBS (Be Open on Breastfeeding Salford) as they take you on a journey to explore the wonders of breastfeeding and how it all works!

Open to people from anywhere in the world - not just the people of Salford :)

Our peer supporters will introduce you to some of the science behind breastfeeding (believe us, it’s amazing!), what to expect in those first few days after birth (not the textbook version, the REAL version), what the difference is between colostrum and ‘mature’ milk and some useful breastfeeding ‘positions’ to try once you start your journey.

We’ll also do some myth busting and share some important local breastfeeding support contacts as well as some great links for you to do more research, and then we will open the floor for Q&A!

By the end of the session, expectant mums will...
Go away armed with some knowledge of the science behind breastfeeding and know what they want to do some more research and reading on to prepare themselves for their journey

Be more confident with what to expect after birth and in those first few days
Know who to turn to for help in their local area after birth if needed
Understand common breastfeeding myths

  • Who's running it?

This workshop will be run by Naomi and Georgina from BOOBS Salford – both trained peer supporters and mums experienced with breastfeeding. Naomi has been breastfeeding for almost 3.5 years and she tandem fed her babies for around 18 months until her eldest child self-weaned.

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