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Introduction to Hypnobirthing with Natalie Qureshi

Find out what hypnobirthing actually means and why it’s a super useful approach to pregnancy and birth no matter what your previous experience, or current plans for birth. 

At the end of the session, you will understand what hypnobirthing actually is and how you can make it relevant for your own pregnancy. You will get a taster of how it can help reduce fear and anxiety, and increase your feeling of being in control of your own experience. 

The workshop will cover the science behind hypnobirthing and will include a couple of practical techniques so you can get a feel for what it’s all about.  

We’ll also build in some time at the end of the session to open the floor so you can get answers to any questions you may have. 

* Who's running it : 

Natalie Qureshi, Natalie is a Manchester based hypnobirthing teacher of over nine years who used hypnobirthing during both of her pregnancies and births.  She is passionate that women and families have access to high quality, relevant ante-natal education and that women understand how their bodies and mind work to their advantage during labour and birth.    

* Who is it suitable for? Pregnant women and partners

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