Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Help! my baby hates the carrier/sling

I'm walking through beautiful woodland, hair freshly washed and flowing, as I feel the gentle rhythm of my baby breathing on my chest, deep in slumber. I'm at one with mother nature, I am literally mother earth IRL! 

Then I have my baby and find that the Instagram babywearing fantasy I created for myself and my newborn is far from reality. I have no fucking idea how to fit this wrap, my baby screams every time I try to put her in it, my hair is on day 6 of dry shampoo and I’m left feeling frazzled. I’m as far from ethereal as you can get. I give up. My baby hates it! 

This sound familiar? Okay some reality checks before we start, because babywearing is just absolutely bloody amazing. It's one of the most natural and beautiful ways for us to bond with our babies and on a practical level it's a god send for being able to settle your little one, be hands free and If you have an older child, to be able to comfort both your babies at the same time. But it also takes a bit of knowledge (we're here for that) and a bit of practice.

So here are my top 6 tips for helping your baby (and you!) to relax and be happier in the carrier/sling.

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Our top 5 reasons to wear your baby

Our top 5 reasons to wear your baby

This week is European Babywearing week. To celebrate, we are giving you our top 5 reasons to babywear. 

Babywearing has been around for centuries, used by our ancestors to keep little ones close while working the fields or carrying out chores. But more recently it's viewed as something only for Mums who use cloth nappies and eat vegan, hemp cookies. Reality is, it's for everyone and is an affordable, easy, safe and a very beneficial way to carry your baby/babies as well as having a huge positive impact on both baby and Parent/Caregiver. 

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Top 5 tips for Baby's First Christmas

Its baby’s first Christmas

Our top 5 tips for Baby’s first Christmas

It's baby’s first Christmas. You have spent hours scrolling through Stacey Solomon’s Instagram for inspiration, only to realize your door won’t fit a 4 foot handmade wreath and the baby and dog are unlikely to sit still long enough in their matching jumpers for that perfect photo. 

Plus.. social life. What social life? Gone are the days of glitter dress and drinking prosecco until 2am. Baby is here and you can’t see when you will get your social life back. 

Baby’s first Christmas is sold to us as this magical time (and sometimes it is!). But in the midst of all this, what about you? Christmas can also be a tough time for lots of reasons. Maybe not having relationships with family members, living far away from your loved ones, feeling left out of your usual Christmas festivities or god forbid. Everyone gets covid. Again! 

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