Date & Time: Friday 24th July 8pm
Facilitators name: Sally Scott
Details (Used for Bookwhen Details & Main content of FB event & post)
* Learn how to get your baby into the best position for labour
* Help your baby engage in your pelvis as you get close to your due date
*Learn techniques and positions to use during labour to make space and help baby move through the birth canal as easily as possible
*what to do if you get "back labour" or labour stalls
* Run by Sally Scott - Pregnancy and postpartum Chiropractor.
* Who suitable for - Pregnant women from 20 weeks and their birth partners
* Equipment needed - a gym ball and a long scarf or fabric baby sling
Bring gym ball and long scarf to practice techniques you'll be learning. Ideally watch with your birth partner so you can learn and practice the techniques together.