Pregnant Women’s Mother's Blessing Circle
Greater Manchester Doulas CIC would like to invite you to join us for a virtual mother blessing circle. If you are pregnant, this is an opportunity to take some time out for you and your growing baby. Join us in a guided, reflective space in celebration of you and your pregnancy. It is a chance to virtually connect with other women who are experiencing the same transitions, as you grow and prepare to give birth.
Whether you are pregnant for the first time or the fifth, whether you are early on in your pregnancy or ready to give birth any day - you are so welcome to join us and we can’t wait to honour you!
This is a guided reflection so no need to have microphones and videos on unless you wish to share towards the end. Take this time out to nourish YOU! So feel free to join in bed with little ones if needed, just come as you are, rest and ‘be’.
What you will get from it : An opportunity to just BE! Being a woman, especially a mother often means that most of our time is taken up attending to other people’s needs. This is an opportunity to take time out just for you. Where nobody wants anything, nobody needs anything - just some quiet time for you to reflect and nourish yourself and the baby you are growing.
There will be opportunity to share with other pregnant women and to ask the doulas questions about your journey so far.
Who's running it : Greater Manchester Doulas CIC

Introduction to Hypnobirthing with Natalie Qureshi
Find out what hypnobirthing actually means and why it’s a super useful approach to pregnancy and birth no matter what your previous experience, or current plans for birth.
At the end of the session, you will understand what hypnobirthing actually is and how you can make it relevant for your own pregnancy. You will get a taster of how it can help reduce fear and anxiety, and increase your feeling of being in control of your own experience.
The workshop will cover the science behind hypnobirthing and will include a couple of practical techniques so you can get a feel for what it’s all about.
We’ll also build in some time at the end of the session to open the floor so you can get answers to any questions you may have.
* Who's running it :
Natalie Qureshi, Natalie is a Manchester based hypnobirthing teacher of over nine years who used hypnobirthing during both of her pregnancies and births. She is passionate that women and families have access to high quality, relevant ante-natal education and that women understand how their bodies and mind work to their advantage during labour and birth.
* Who is it suitable for? Pregnant women and partners

Babywearing 101 - Pay As You Feel Event
Are you pregnant, a new parent or would just like to know more about babywearing?
** Pay as you feel event **
FREE / £3 / £6 / £9
As a Community Interest Company we want to be able to offer this workshop for FREE or at a low cost. Please pay as you feel (50% will go to funding our projects & 50% to the facilitator).
A 1. 5 hour workshop via Zoom with Nikki Baillie, SlingaBaby Consultant & Director of Dance Like a Mother CIC. A chance to learn all about babywearing and ask any questions to help you on your babywearing journey. So grab a cuppa & biscuit and join us!
The Workshop Covers
The positive impact for baby & caregiver
Safe babywearing practices
Positioning for baby for age range
Different types of wraps & carriers and how to fit safely & comfortably
Q&A session
You will also be sent links to babywearing tutorials for the types of wraps & carriers discussed so you can practice yourself. (Please note this is a demo and we ask you not to practice with your baby during the session, for health & safety reasons)

Optimal foetal positioning - £5 workshop
Date & Time: Friday 24th July 8pm
Facilitators name: Sally Scott
Website: www.sallyscottchiropractor.com
Email: info@sallyscottchiropractor.com
Details (Used for Bookwhen Details & Main content of FB event & post)
* Learn how to get your baby into the best position for labour
* Help your baby engage in your pelvis as you get close to your due date
*Learn techniques and positions to use during labour to make space and help baby move through the birth canal as easily as possible
*what to do if you get "back labour" or labour stalls
* Run by Sally Scott - Pregnancy and postpartum Chiropractor.
* Who suitable for - Pregnant women from 20 weeks and their birth partners
* Equipment needed - a gym ball and a long scarf or fabric baby sling
Bring gym ball and long scarf to practice techniques you'll be learning. Ideally watch with your birth partner so you can learn and practice the techniques together.

Wild Women Rising Women's Circle - £5 workshop
Date & Time: 17th July, 7.45pm - 9.15pm (then the 3rd Friday of the Month)
Facilitators name: Greater Manchester Doulas CIC
Website: www.greatermanchesterdoulas.com
Email: hello@greatermanchesterdoulas.com
* What it is: A monthly gathering for listening to and being with other women. After a quiet meditation to bring us all into the circle, we will connect as sisters in circle. We will hold space for one another and listen as each of us has the opportunity to share whatever is going on for us. No feelings are too big or messy or complicated. We are here for it all, holding each other in a safe, spacious container of compassion and caring.
* What they will get from it : Sitting in circle with other women is medicine for the soul. Even over Zoom it can be intentional and powerful. We hope you will leave the circle lighter, feeling more supported and connected to your fellow sisters.
* Who’s running it: Circles are held by the doulas of Greater Manchester Doulas, Elle, Lori & Amy. They have supported women for over a decade and came together in 2018 to ensure their women-centred support was accessible to all.
* Who suitable for: Any woman who is looking for more sisterhood in her life and wants to sit in circle with other women who will listen and hold space for whatever she has to bring.
* Equipment needed: Just your lovely self in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed. Sometimes there is a lot of emotion in circles so have tissues and a drink to hand.
* Anything medical (E.G not suitable after 30 weeks): Whilst we will hold space for whatever you need us to, be mindful that this is not the place to process trauma. If you feel that you need more support after the circle you are welcome to book in a session with the doulas.

Labour in Lockdown - FREE Workshop
Are you worried about birthing during a global pandemic?
Do you feel you’re missing out on Antenatal classes and Birth preparation courses?
Or do you just want to meet and get to know other expectant families?
Whatever the reason, come along and join us (via zoom!) for an informal, laid back session where you can chat, ask questions, get support and learn from each other during these crazy times.
Labour in Lockdown - Online and interactive session for expectant families, facilitated by Katy - The Dancing Midwife.
Katy, mum of three, is a Registered Midwife working within the NHS, she facilitates the Positive Birth Movement Group in Stockport and she is also a trained Hypnobirth Practitioner.

Pelvic Floor and Core Workshop
Post/antenatal pelvic floor and core FREE workshop
Worried about your pelvic floor - want to dance or trampoline (or sneeze) without fear? Looking for a safe way to strengthen your core muscles during pregnancy or afterwards?
Join Kate for yoga-inspired exercises to help strengthen your pelvic floor and core muscles during pregnancy and after childbirth. Suitable for anyone from 14 weeks pregnant, 6 weeks post birth (10 weeks post c section), or any time thereafter (even if your baby is 4. Or 14.)
Can't wait to see you there. Yes, it might be a little odd to discuss this subject via zoom... And it'll probably get good n weird at some points 😂 But don't worry, we're all in it together and the session will take a light-hearted, informal approach.
Plus, a good, well established pelvic floor routine will set you up for life! So see you there,
Kate XXX
Peace at Last Yoga/DLAM