Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Narrow Based carriers...the reality

What’s the issue with narrow based carriers?

When it comes to babywearing, we applaud anyone for wanting to wear their baby and be the kind of caregiver that is responsive and close to their baby. Especially during the 4th trimester, when your little one still identifies as being part of you. Holding them often during this time (and after) has lots of positive impact for your babies development, creates a healthy and secure attachment, calms your baby during times of distress and allows you to respond to your babies needs. As well as creating lots of oxytocin between you both, which supports breastfeeding and is called the ‘love hormone’ for a reason. Oooh don’t you just love those snuggles!

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

World Book Day - Top 5 Books for Mums

World Book Day - Top 5 Books for Mums

Its world book day and lets be honest who has time to read when you have a baby?! Thankfully all of these are available in audio format, so grab your carrier, pushchair, coffee (oh and don’t forget the baby!) and have a stroll and a listen! Or dump that Netflix feeding time habit and pop your ear phones in while you feed at night.

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Our top 5 reasons to wear your baby

Our top 5 reasons to wear your baby

This week is European Babywearing week. To celebrate, we are giving you our top 5 reasons to babywear. 

Babywearing has been around for centuries, used by our ancestors to keep little ones close while working the fields or carrying out chores. But more recently it's viewed as something only for Mums who use cloth nappies and eat vegan, hemp cookies. Reality is, it's for everyone and is an affordable, easy, safe and a very beneficial way to carry your baby/babies as well as having a huge positive impact on both baby and Parent/Caregiver. 

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

maternal mental health week

Maternal Mental Health - My Story

Nikki's Story 

I want to start by saying these are my personal experiences and thoughts. I am not a Doctor or claim to be any sort of expert. I am just speaking from the heart (disclaimer over ;D ) 

The last few year’s (mainly the year that shall not be named!) has brought so many challenges for us all. None more so than our Mental Health & Wellbeing. With this in mind I started to consider the times in my 45 years on this earth that I have felt most healthy (in body & mind) and realized there was one common theme.

Movement & Mental Health

I remember finding out I was pregnant with Ellie, and wanting to give my baby the best start possible. I had (as well as Stu) spent the last 12 months doing all we could to get as healthy as possible to conceive. We wanted to have a baby and threw ourselves into Zumba, Yoga, Cross fit and Eating healthy (well 80% of the time). After a very heartbreaking miscarriage, we tried again and got pregnant straight away. 

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Nikki Baillie Nikki Baillie

Top 5 tips for Baby's First Christmas

Its baby’s first Christmas

Our top 5 tips for Baby’s first Christmas

It's baby’s first Christmas. You have spent hours scrolling through Stacey Solomon’s Instagram for inspiration, only to realize your door won’t fit a 4 foot handmade wreath and the baby and dog are unlikely to sit still long enough in their matching jumpers for that perfect photo. 

Plus.. social life. What social life? Gone are the days of glitter dress and drinking prosecco until 2am. Baby is here and you can’t see when you will get your social life back. 

Baby’s first Christmas is sold to us as this magical time (and sometimes it is!). But in the midst of all this, what about you? Christmas can also be a tough time for lots of reasons. Maybe not having relationships with family members, living far away from your loved ones, feeling left out of your usual Christmas festivities or god forbid. Everyone gets covid. Again! 

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